Stop Your Horse From Swapping Leads On The Take Off Of The Jump

  • Bernie
  • 26 Jan, 2016
  • 2 Mins Read

Stop Your Horse From Swapping Leads On The Take Off Of The Jump

Featured Image Credit (CC): nikoretro on Flickr

Submitted by member: Raechel

When my pony is fresh, she loves to swap her leads and even dive off to a side of a jump right before she leaves the ground. What exercises could I do with her to prevent this from happening?

Answer by Bernie

I would teach your pony to counter-canter and obey your leg, and your rein aids to remain on a particular lead.  Once this is accomplished, you should have better luck holding your horse on a lead to the jumps.  If your horse dives to one corner, and it’s the same corner, then make some turns the opposite way over very small jumps. Or every time he seeks a corner, turn him over the same jump the other direction.

P.S.  Try not jumping him when he is too fresh!

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