Team Glynn

  • bigheadmarketing
  • 17 Oct, 2012
  • 2 Mins Read

Hope Hobday Glynn
Equitation • Hunter

Hope Hobday Glynn has ridden and trained some of the top hunters going in the country including: Chance of Flurries, Circuit Champion High Performance Hunter Thermal 2011 and 2012; Woodstock, USEF Performance Hunter of the year 2011; and Roccoco, Thermal circuit Champion 2nd year green hunter 2011, Champion Hampton classic and winner of the $25,000 Franktown Meadows hunter derby. She finished in the top 25 of both the $100,000 USHJA Hunter Derby finals as well as the $500,000 HITS Hunter Prix finals. She traveled to the east coast in the fall of 2011and was champion and or reserve at Kentucky Bluegrass, Middleburg classic, HITS Saugerties, the Hampton Classic and Capitol Challenge with Chance of Flurries, Roccoco, Weatherly, Cr Haribo and Woodstock. CR Haribo was in the top 25 of the $100,000 derby finals, Weatherly and Erin Bland and Hope Glynn and Woodstock were in the top 25 of the $500,000 HITS hunter prix finals. Hope was Reserve Champion for the World Champion Hunter Rider program nationally in the emerging professional division.She won 12 derbies in 2011 and was recently awarded both the Arthur Hawkins trophy for Excellence in hunters as well as was inducted into the Sonoma County Equus Hall of Fame with her husband Ned Glynn

Hope was the leading lady hunter rider for NorCal and PCHA for 2011 and finished the year with 12 derby wins. She is a member of the USHJA $100,000 hunter club in which her open hunter and derby wins have exceeded $100,000. Hope is also a licensed hunter and hunt seat equitation judge, and is on the Zone 10 hunter committee as well as the USHJA hunter derby task force.

Hope and Ned are proud parents to daughter and fellow rider Avery Glynn.

Ned Glynn
Equitation • Hunter

Ned Glynn operates Sonoma Valley Stables in Petaluma, Ca. He rode as a junior rider with Gry and Duncan McFarlane, Betty Kilham, John and Lumpy Charlebois. After graduating from UC Davis where he coached the equestrian team, he traveled east and rode with Candice King. As a junior he placed in the top four in the following medal finals: USET Talent Search, NorCal, WCE, and CPHA as well as winning the F. B. Hart Good Hands and Seat Finals two years in a row. He has ridden to wins in both Jimmy Williams Futures classes and National Standard Grand Prixs. He worked with Linda Allen as an assistant course designer at the Atlanta Olympics and the World Cup Finals in Sweden.

Recently Ned’s students and horses have won championships, classics, and medal finals in all rings. Highlights include helping to train and coach the top two finishers in the 2010 Pickwick Medal finals, winners at Spruce Meadows Skyliner Tournament, the winner of the 2010 Norcal Junior Medal, and 2011 Norcal pony medal champion. 2010 was also a special year for Ned as two students who started riding at SVS in the short stirrup division competed and placed in their first national standard grand prix. In 2011 Ned trained the Thermal mid-circuit champion low jr jumpers, as well as was chef d’equipe of the Norcal 1.40 team in Spruce Meadows. Also in 2011, one of Ned’s students qualified and competed in the North American Junior Young Rider Finals finishing in the top 20. Ned is also an elected member of the Zone 10 USEF jumper committee.

Visit Ned’s website:

Team Glynn’s Video Topics:

10 week

A Gymnastic For All Jumping Disciplines

Join Hope and Ned Glynn as they share one of their favorite gymnastics, one that enhances the performance of hunters, jumpers as well as equitation horses. This unique grid is designed to encourage a horse to jump squarely and perform changes of track with balance, suppleness and fluidity.

Running Time: 13 minutes and 58 seconds

hope turns
10 week

Making The Most Of Your Turns On Course

As an ‘R’ rated judge, one of Hope Glynn’s pet peeves is witnessing riders who don’t use the corners on course to their full advantage. Setting up the proper track at the proper pace out of the turn is crucial to the subsequent outcome of that first fence or a line. Learn her strategies to consistently set yourself and your horse up for success coming out of a turn.

Running Time: 8 minutes and 16 seconds


10 week

Swapless On Course

You are having a flawless trip, you see your distance to that single oxer across the diagonal a mile away, you know there’s a blue ribbon in your future…. and then, in anticipation of a change of direction, your beloved, loyal mount swaps his lead in front of the jump. Hope and Ned Glynn have a way to fix it!

Running Time: 7 minutes and 49 seconds