Are Pelham Bits Frowned Upon in the Hunter Ring?

  • User AvatarJulie Winkel
  • 21 May, 2019
  • 3 Mins Read

Are Pelham Bits Frowned Upon in the Hunter Ring?

Featured Image Credit: Tricia Booker Photography

Submitted by member: Ali

Are pelhams frowned upon in the hunter ring? I have been struggling to find the perfect bit for my horse, and after watching Bernie’s Bits and Bitting video, I have some more ideas of ones to try! But just wasn’t sure if the pelham was frowned upon in the hunters.

rubber pelham

Rubber jointed pelham

Answer by Julie Winkel

In the hunter ring, traditional bits are recommended, which include snaffles, pelhams, and full bridles—all with a cavesson nosebands. Nontraditional bits, such as hunter gags & Kimberwicks, MAY be penalized at the judge’s discretion. Illegal bits includes two & three ring bits, jumper-type gags, etc. The judge MUST eliminate the competitor if these are used. Illegal nosebands in the hunter ring include dropped nosebands, flash nosebands, and figure 8’s. Standing and running martingales are allowed in over fences classes, but not in under saddle classes.

As a judge, I am not partial to a pelham vs. a snaffle. I want to see a horse that carries themself in a light uphill manner with a good expression. So whichever bit that individual horse goes best in is the right answer.

Martingales, correctly fitted, are acceptable except in flat classes, hunter hack classes, and tie-breaking hack classes. Correctly fitted for the standing means the strap touches the middle of the neck but not the throat. For running martingales, they are long enough as to not break a straight line to the horse’s mouth from the rider’s hand. Standing martingales are very common, however, you rarely see a running martingale used, but they are legal.

Standing martingales should be used if needed and can actually make a better overall picture with a horse that has a big front end or long neck as they looked more balanced. But if the horse doesn’t need a martingale otherwise, don’t use it. It’s whatever the horse goes best in.

I do think it’s a cleaner look to show in the under saddle classes in a snaffle, as we are looking for a horse that not only is a good mover but also has a good expression and is light in the bridle. But I would not consciously penalize a horse that’s hacked in a pelham.

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    1. Thanks for you question. I believe in hunter classes running martingale’s are not allowed but standing martingale’s are. Was it hunter or jumper class?

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