What Bit To Use On Your Horse

  • Bernie
  • 15 Jan, 2025
  • 1 Min Read

What Bit To Use On Your Horse

Submitted by member: Camila

Hi, I need some help with my horse. He is 8 years old and we have been having some bitting problems. He first went in a gag, but it was way too strong, and he went behind the vertical. We then switched to a copper roller D-ring, but that was too soft, and he started pulling the reins out of my hands. So we then changed to a pelham. At first, he liked it, but then he started pulling his head down, and again yanking the reins out of my hands. I would love some advice on finding the right bit.

Answer by Bernie

Camila, your question prompted me to revisit the topic I did on EquestrianCoach.com called “Bits and Bitting.” Your question is a common one in the Equestrian Sport, and I hope that watching my bit topic will give you enough tips to solve your bitting issue. In the interest of useful information for riders and trainers, and for the welfare of the horse, I have made this topic free to watch on YouTube. I hope this helps you!

Video Description

Deciding which bit to use for your horse is an essential aspect of horsemanship that can be difficult for any equestrian. In this video topic Bernie Traurig shares his personal insights on different bits and how they work. His philosophy has been gained through decades of experience with thousands of horses.

About Bernie
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