troubleshooting page 3

Shoeing The Problem Horse Part 1
Jose Alejos

Shoeing The Problem Horse Part 1
Jose AlejosWitness the progress of Nikki, a young mare with a history of being impossible to shoe behind. In this two part topic, Jose Alejos uses his years of experience as an expert horseman to instill her with trust and confidence. His techniques are humane and the atmosphere he creates with the horse is calm and reassuring. While Jose makes it look easy, don’t try this at home.

Click here to view part 2 of this topic

Running Time: 13 minutes and 35 seconds

Shoeing The Problem Horse Part 2
Jose AlejosWitness the progress of Nikki, a young mare with a history of being impossible to shoe behind. In this two part topic, Jose Alejos uses his years of experience as an expert horseman to instill her with trust and confidence. His techniques are humane and the atmosphere he creates with the horse is calm and reassuring. While Jose makes it look easy, don’t try this at home.

Click here to view part 1 of this topic

Running Time: 12 minutes and 42 seconds

Straight And Simple
Bernie TraurigConfused about how to keep a straight track in lines? Here’s a quick and easy fix from Bernie that will get you and your horse headed straight down the middle of those lines.

Running Time: 4 minutes and 16 seconds

Strategies For Managing A Fresh Horse
Peter PletcherMember Request from Shayna: I would love to see some more hunter videos! Slowing down a speedy/energetic hunter would be an awesome topic and I love Peter Pletcher’s videos! Would like to see more from him!

In this quick tip segment. Peter Pletcher answers Shayna’s Member Request and discusses safe and effective ways to cope with a fresh horse.

Running Time: 1 minute and 53 seconds

Sticky Spray
Bernie Traurig & Zazou HoffmanBernie & Zazou Hoffman reveal a valuable tip to stay tight in the tack.

Running Time: 1 minute and 10 seconds

Swapless On Course
Team GlynnYou are having a flawless trip, you see your distance to that single oxer across the diagonal a mile away, you know there’s a blue ribbon in your future…. and then, in anticipation of a change of direction, your beloved, loyal mount swaps his lead in front of the jump. Hope and Ned Glynn have a way to fix it!

Running Time: 7 minutes and 49 seconds

The Abuse Of The Indirect Rein
Bernie TraurigBernie demonstrates the beautiful effects that can be accomplished with the proper use of the Indirect Rein In Front of the Wither and, at the same time, addresses the pitfalls of improper use.

Running Time: 4 minutes and 52 seconds

The Cardinal Gymnastic
Bernie TraurigThis exercise was originally designed for a little Thoroughbred horse, The Cardinal, that Bernie had great success with in the 70’s. This horse needed confidence building in oxer combinations and with the aid of this gymnastic, he evolved into a courageous, winning grand prix horse and one of Bernie’s best.

Running Time: 10 minutes and 55 seconds

The Independent Seat
Denny EmersonDenny Emerson discusses the importance of a seat that can absorb the concussion of the horse’s gaits, where the core of the rider’s body becomes one with the horse. With his demonstration riders, he illustrates how a rider can become a better shock absorbing machine with exercises to develop an independent seat.

Running Time: 22 minutes and 7 seconds

The “Nip Up” – A Half-Halt Technique for Your Horse
Bernie TraurigAre you looking to correct a horse with a carriage that is too low or is too heavy on the forehand?

In this free video tip, Bernie Traurig teaches us a very handy tool all equestrians should have in their riding toolbox. One of his versions of a half-halt that is simple to do, he calls a “nip up.” This can be used in many instances, especially on a horse that is too low in its carriage or is too heavy on the forehand. Bernie demonstrates how to use this technique properly and effectively without hanging on the horse’s mouth. Ultimately, this should be an invisible and soft correction that you should only use when absolutely necessary so it remains meaningful. This technique can also be found in the books by Vladimir Littauer (Commonsense Horsemanship) and Gordon Wright (Horsemanship & Horsemastership) where it is defined as a Half-Halt.

Running Time: 2 minutes and 49 seconds

The Right Canter
Denny EmersonIn this topic Denny shows us the importance of establishing the “Right” canter. He demonstrates how getting to the right take off point with the proper speed, balance and impulsion, while staying out of the horse’s way, allows the horse to jump his best.

Running Time: 22 minutes and 22 seconds

The Formula for Dialed In Corner Jumps
Bernie TraurigFinally, a formula to meet that pesky corner jump! In this topic Bernie outlines his strategies for creating the right distance and track that will set you up for a line.

Running Time: 10 minutes and 53 seconds


The Progression of Releases
Karen HealeyKaren Healey and her demonstration riders present the various releases used in the jumping disciplines. Karen shows us what releases are suitable at the different stages in a rider’s development, from a beginner “reach up and grab mane” release to the most advanced following hand or automatic release. She discusses the advantages certain releases have and some common faults rider’s can make when incorrectly used.

Running Time: 22 minutes and 55 seconds


The Kusner Gymnastic
Bernie Traurig(Kathy Kusner & Untouchable shown in thumbnail/photo)

Bernie was originally introduced to this gymnastic many years ago when he saw it executed by his close friend and amazing Olympian, Kathy Kusner. It eventually proved to be useful in his own career as a coach. In this topic he passes on a very useful exercise that teaches horses to regulate their stride in tight combinations to encourage their best jumping effort.

Running Time: 11 mintues and 1 second


The Winkler Gymnastic
Bernie TraurigIn this video, Bernie shares with you one of his favorite gymnastics designed to improve your horse’s agility, front end (technique), rhythm & balance.

If you liked this video check out Fundamental Gymnastics another great topic that features the benefits of a gymnastic line.

Running Time: 10 minutes and 32 seconds

Thinking Like a Horse
Julie WinkelTo effectively communicate with your horse, there has to be a mutual understanding within the partnership. This understanding, in large part, stems from the rider’s ability to accurately read his or her horse. In this topic, Julie Winkel teaches us to accurately interpret the various expressions and behaviors horses use to convey their state of mind.

Running Time: 12 minutes and 46 seconds

Trailer Loading the Difficult Horse
Jose AlejosFor anyone who has endured the frustration of a horse that won’t load, this video is a must see. Jose Alejos has a refreshing approach that fosters confidence and calmness in both the horse and the handler.

Running Time: 21 minutes and 3 seconds

Training the OTTB Horse
Bernie member, Adult Amateur Jumper rider Stacy, reached out to us to get training help from Bernie for her off the track Thoroughbred horse, Diesel. Before the training session, Bernie familiarized himself with the duo by watching a video of them on course, determining what issues needed to be addressed. It became apparent that Stacy was having trouble maintaining an even pace on course, that Diesel avoided contact and wouldn’t use his neck over the jumps and got quite hot, occasionally bucking and evading the bit, between the fences. Watch as Bernie returns to basics with this team, using the simplicity of the Forward Riding System to re-school this horse and provide valuable tips for Stacy to apply at home.

Running Time: 33 minutes and 42 seconds

If you are a member that owns a Thoroughbred in the Southern California area and are interested in participating in a FREE TB Training Session with Bernie, click here for more details.

Training the OTTB Horse – Session Two
Bernie TraurigTraining Level Eventer and member, Kristen Schalck, gets a free training session from Bernie with her 9 year old OTTB (Off The Track Thoroughbred), JC. Watching the show jumping round Kristen presented, Bernie got a sense of just how he could help them. Kristen had some lower leg stability issues and JC had a tendency to get a bit too aggressive at the jumps, particularly in combinations, and jump past the arc. Tapping into his reservoir of knowledge gained through many years of experience with Thoroughbred horses, Bernie introduces them to the Kusner Gymnastic. This exercise proves to successfully back up JC over the jumps, while allowing Kristen to perfect her automatic release, maintaining the contact in the air that so many Thoroughbreds appreciate.

Running Time: 35 minutes and 51 seconds

Click here to view “The Kusner Gymnastic” video topic referenced in this video.