A Classic Hunter Round From Back In The Day
Bernie Traurig
Bernie Traurig aboard “Circuit Breaker” winning the Working Hunter Classic at Chagrin Valley, Ohio in the late 1970’s. Take a step back in time and see how impressive Thoroughbreds were “back in the day!”
Running Time: 1 minute and 34 seconds
Bending Lines
Team Karazissis
Kost and Jenny discuss and demonstrate your many options when it comes to correctly navigating bending lines.
If you liked this video and want to learn more about perfecting a bending line, check out Missy Clark’s topic Landing the Lead for Seamless Bending Lines.
Running Time: 17 minutes and 23 seconds
Building Blocks to a Great Position: Part 5 To Sit or Not to Sit
Bernie Traurig
Bernie discusses all the different seats one uses on course and where they apply with show ring footage from some of the best Hunter, Jumper & Equitation Riders.
Other videos in this series:
Building Blocks to a Great Position Part 1
Building Blocks to a Great Position Part 2
Building Blocks to a Great Position Part 3
Building Blocks to a Great Position Part 4
Running Time 8 minutes and 53 seconds
Circle Exercise
Val Renihan
Top equitation, hunter and jumper trainer, Val Renihan, has an exercise to hone the rider’s accuracy while reinforcing the horseʼs adjustability and responsiveness to the aids.
Running Time: 9 minutes and 14 seconds
Ground Lines
Archie Cox
As the trainer of champions at the most prestigious horse shows in the country, Archie Cox has a talent for instilling confidence in his students and horses as well as achieving superior performance. In this topic Archie produces the horse’s best jump possible by modifying ground lines to enhance his bascule over the fence.
Running Time: 19 minutes and 45 seconds
A pre-school lunge session with Bill Cooney
Bill Cooney
Provided it is done properly, the benefits of adding lunge line work to your horse’s program are enormous. Join Bill Cooney as he exercises a young horse on a lunge line prior to mounted work. Bill’s approach enhances horse/rider communication and the horse’s flexibility while emphasizing horsemanship and safety.
Running Time: 12 mintues and 46 seconds
Hunters Then & Now
Ronnie Beard
Ronnie Beard takes us back to the Working Hunter Classics featuring some of the great Thoroughbreds of the 70’s and compares them to todays Hunter Derbys.
Running Time: 6 minutes and 48 seconds
Hunters Under Saddle
John French
John French shows us what the judges are looking for in a Hunter Under Saddle class and how you can show your horse off properly.
Running Time: 10 minutes and 2 seconds
Judging Hunters
Bernie Traurig
In this video Bernie shares his insights on the qualities that make a top Working Hunter and a top Amateur Hunter. This video was produced for the United States Equestrian Federation Hunter Judges Clinics in 2014.
Running Time: 10 minutes 53 seconds
Landing On The Proper Lead
John French
John French discusses and demonstrates exercises that perfect landing on the correct lead for that extra edge in a hunter class.
Running Time: 18 minutes and 23 seconds
Landing the Lead for Seamless Bending Lines
Missy Clark
With demonstrations by Grand Prix rider, Darragh Kenny, and Medal & Maclay winner, Hayley Barnhill, Missy shows us the exercise that she uses to encourage both her equitation horses and jumpers to land on the correct lead in bending lines. For equitation, this adds to the fluidity of a round and for jumpers it offers greater efficiency.
To learn more about how to get your horse to land on the proper lead check out Landing on the Proper Lead by John French.
Running Time: 6 minutes and 38 seconds
Making The Most Of Your Turns On Course
Team Glynn
As an ‘R’ rated judge, one of Hope Glynn’s pet peeves is witnessing riders who don’t use the corners on course to their full advantage. Setting up the proper track at the proper pace out of the turn is crucial to the subsequent outcome of that first fence or a line. Learn her strategies to consistently set yourself and your horse up for success coming out of a turn.
Running Time: 8 minutes and 16 seconds
Oval Exercise
James Hagman
Join Jim Hagman and his rider Katie Gardner aboard the beautiful young hunter, Crush, as they demonstrate one of Jim’s favorite exercises. This oval exercise has multiple benefits, helping the rider to sharpen lateral and diagonal aids, fine tune stride adjustment while brightening the horse’s jump and landing the lead.
Running Time: 9 minutes and 56 seconds
Perfecting Your Hand Gallop to a Jump
Stacia Madden
Whether you are in an equitation class, a derby round or a jump off, it can be daunting to gallop down to a fence with all that pace and hope you meet it well. Join Stacia Madden and two of her top riders to learn Stacia’s strategy to execute a brilliant hand gallop to a jump.
Running Time: 11 minutes and 29 seconds
Picking A Young Hunter
Peter Pletcher
Top hunter trainer/rider, Peter Pletcher, evaluates a young horse previously shown in the jumper division as a potential hunter prospect. He analyzes all the qualities a horse must have to be a winner in the hunter ring.
Running Time: 19 minutes and 34 seconds
Pony Division Basics
Beverly Jovais
Join top pony trainer, Beverly Jovais, in this series where she introduces the basics of the pony division, giving newcomers to the pony ring a sense of what is required to compete in this division. In this series she outlines the numbers associated with ponies, such as pony strides & pony heights, guides her young student through properly presenting a pony for the model & under saddle classes, and narrates a hunter and a handy round.
Running Time: 14 minutes and 41 seconds
Preparing the Junior-Amateur Horse
Archie Cox
Join Archie Cox and his rider, Shelby Wakeman, as they school a horse for optimum rideability and performance for his junior rider in preparation for an upcoming show.
Running Time: 17 minutes and 54 seconds
Preventing The Swap
Louise Warner Serio
In this topic Louise demonstrates the strategies she uses when riding horses with a tendency to swap leads in front of the jump. She discusses the reasons some horses develop this habit and how to prevent it altogether. These are just some of the winning techniques that have made her a champion hunter rider for decades.
Running Time: 8 minutes and 57 seconds
Riding on the Bit
Bernie Traurig
For some equestrians it is the ultimate goal – to get your horse on the bit and experience that suppleness of poll and jaw, the engagement of the hindquarters, the acceptance of the rider’s hands, that fluid link between horse and rider. In this topic Bernie demonstrates all the different levels of contact with the horse’s mouth and different elevations of the horse’s head and neck that can be considered “on the bit.” He takes into consideration the horse’s conformation and willingness to acquiesce to the required pressure as well as the pit falls of trying to manufacture “on the bit” compliance.
Running Time: 7 minutes and 31 seconds
Riding The Handy
Peter Pletcher
Peter shares some of his secrets to successfully navigating the different elements of a Handy Hunter course. Along with many tips to produce a seamless round, he demonstrates several exercises you can practice at home to prepare for the show ring.
Running Time: 21 minutes