Shortening And Lengthening Exercises Over Jumps
Join Julie Winkel & her students as they demonstrate exercises designed to shorten & lengthen the horse’s stride within lines. Julie discusses strategies to execute lines that present different types of distance challenges. Practice of these exercises provides additional benefits that include improved rider/horse communication and sharpening of the rider’s eye.
Running Time: 27 minutes and 19 seconds
Julie Winkel - click here for her bio and other video topics
Emily Brammeier
Lauren Ditallo
Ali McCool
“Cinni” ownde by Julie Von Hennig
“Festiva” owned by Ali McCool
“Leon” owned by Taylor Dawson
Maplewood Stables owned by Julie Winkel -
Equine activities can be hazardous and may subject participants to injury. Neither Equestrian Coach LLC nor Julie Winkel assume liability for your activities. This program provides general instructions and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. No warranty is given regarding suitability of these instructions to the viewer.
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