Schooling Your Horse Over Open Water
Open water obstacles can be intimidating to both the horse and the rider, so you want to be sure you’ve done your homework to avoid potential faults in the show ring. Join Bernie as he shows us how to properly school over a simulated open water jump in a way that encourages the horse to jump beyond the tape. Nobody wants a toe in the tub on show day!
Running Time: 8 minutes and 55 seconds
Related Topic: Introducing the Green Horse & Training the Spooky Horse to the Liverpool
Bernie Traurig - Click here to view his bio and other video topics
Katherine Kinnison
High Eagle owned by Katherine Kinnison
Swede Equine owned by Hanna Mauritzson - click here for more information: www.swedeequine.com
Equine activities can be hazardous and may subject participants to injury. Neither Equestrian Coach, LLC nor BernieTraurig assume liability for your activities. This program provides general instructions and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. No warranty is given regarding suitability of these instructions to the viewer.
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