Riding on the Bit
For some equestrians it is the ultimate goal – to get your horse on the bit and experience that suppleness of poll and jaw, the engagement of the hindquarters, the acceptance of the rider’s hands, that fluid link between horse and rider. In this topic Bernie demonstrates all the different levels of contact with the horse’s mouth and different elevations of the horse’s head and neck that can be considered “on the bit.” He takes into consideration the horse’s conformation and willingness to acquiesce to the required pressure as well as the pit falls of trying to manufacture “on the bit” compliance.
Running Time: 7 minutes and 31 seconds
The helmet Bernie is wearing in this video is provided by Antarès-Sellier France.
Bernie Traurig - Click here to view his bio and other video topics
“High Eagle” owned by Katherine Kinnison
Swede Equine owned by Hanna Mauritzson - click here for more information: www.swedeequine.com
Equine activities can be hazardous and may subject participants to injury. Neither Equestrian Coach, LLC nor Bernie Traurig assume liability for your activities. This program provides general instructions and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. No warranty is given regarding suitability of these instructions to the viewer.
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