An OTTB Jumping School With Bernie
Meet Nicole Weakley and her OTTB mare, Tribella, who she originally claimed as a racehorse in 2016. Nicole was her exercise rider & owner for 2 years before retiring her from the racetrack sound. In her new career as a jumper Tribella has a tendency to get strong and quick on course. Nicole turned to Bernie for his insights and to learn some strategies to counteract her mare’s impulse to “make a bid” at the jumps.
Click here for “Training the OTTB Horse”
Click here for “Training the OTTB Horse – Session Two”
If you are a member that owns a Thoroughbred in the Southern California area and are interested in participating in a FREE TB Training Session with Bernie, click here for more details.
Running time: 19 minutes 23 seconds
The helmet Bernie is wearing in this video is provided by Antarès-Sellier France.
Bernie Traurig - Click here to view his bio and other video topics
Nicole Weakley
Tribella, owned by Nicole Weakley
Equine activities can be hazardous and may subject participants to injury. Neither Equestrian Coach LLC nor Bernie Traurig assume liability for your activities. This program provides general instructions and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. No warranty is given regarding suitability of these instructions to the viewer.
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