The Medal & Maclay From The Judge’s Perspective Webinar
Find out what the judges are looking for in our webinar, The Medal & Maclay from the Judge’s Perspective. This is an interactive webinar with video presentations of past winners, along with analysis, discussion, and Q&A. Co-hosts Bernie Traurig and Julie Winkel are joined by Scott Hofstetter, Maclay Finals Winner, Medal Finals judge, top professional Hunter rider, clinician, and R judge and Cynthia Hankins, Medal Finals Winner, Medal Finals judge, trainer, clinician, and R judge.
1 Hour and 48 Minutes
Bernie Traurig - Click to view his bio and other video topics
Julie Winkel - Click for her bio and other video topics or visit her website
Cynthia Hankins - Click here to view her bio and other topics
Scott Hofstetter
Tricia Booker - visit her website
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