Equitation – An American Tradition of Excellence
According to Bertalan de Nemethy, “nothing of any substance can be built on a flimsy foundation, and the horse and the rider who don’t know what they are doing will always fall far short of realizing their full potential.” It is with this in mind that we share this topic with you, for the fundamental principles of equitation begin with mastering the basics of classical American Forward Riding. This mastery takes time, determination and dedication but yields a riding style that is not only beautiful to watch, but effective in practice. Let’s analyze some of our most recent Champions, Hunter Holloway, TJ O’Mara, McKayla Langmeier, Victoria Colvin and Zazou Hoffman, as they answer the weighty questions posed by an Equitation Finals course with a sophistication that will, no doubt, serve them well wherever their riding careers take them.
Running Time: 18 minutes and 44 seconds
Bernie Traurig - Click here to view his bio and other video topics
Zazou Hoffman - Click here to view her bio and other video topics
Natasha Traurig
Elizabeth Benson
Darragh Kenny
Hayley Barnhill
Genevieve Zock
Michael Hughes
Laura Robertson
Hunter Holloway
McKayla Langmeier
TJ O’Mara
Victoria Colvin
Special thanks to the following sources for generously providing the exceptional video footage and photographs:
Mason Phelps
USEF Network
Elaine Wessel/PhelpsSports.com
Annan Hepner/Phelps Media Group
Rebecca Walton/PhelpsSports.com
Carl Klein
Elizabeth Furth
Tish Quirk
Sarah Harper/Phelps Media Group
Kendall Bierer/PhaelpsSports.com
Al Cook
Susan J. Stickle/PhelpsSports.com
Kenneth Kraus/PhelpsSports
Taylor Renner/PhelpsSports.com
Lauren Baker/Phelps Media Group
Jennie Carleton
Equine activities can be hazardous and may subject participants to injury. Neither Equestrian Coach, LLC nor Bernie Traurig assume liability for your activities. This program provides general instructions and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. No warranty is given regarding suitability of these instructions to the viewer.
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