Susan Deal

  • bigheadmarketing
  • 08 Nov, 2013
  • 31 Secs Read


Susan DealUSHJA Certified Category I Trainer

Susan is an accomplished rider and instructor who has taught hunter seat equitation at Sweet Briar College, St. Andrews College, Eagle’s Nest Camp, and elsewhere. The summer camp is a natural outgrowth of her interest in and love of children and horses. Susan teaches lessons year-round, takes students to shows and riding to hounds. Susan rode her horse Penn Park to the 2005 North American Field Hunter Championship.

Susan is an ANRC Level 5 Rider, National Judge, and Steward who serves on the ANRC board as well as the USHJA Youth Council.




Susan’s Video Topics:

10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 12 – The Beginning Rider’s Second Canter

Part 12 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

In this topic Susan Deal discusses the second step of cantering, teaching a young rider to steer while in two point position. First her student demonstrates an exercise to determine if he is balanced securely enough over his lower leg to maintain jump position while cantering. Susan’s method encourages the rider to feel and then follow the balancing gesture of the horse’s head and neck at that gait. At this point in the rider’s progress, he is stable over his lower leg in the two point and able to use an opening rein to steer, developing independence of hand and leg.

Running Time: 3 minutes and 20 seconds

10 week

Types of Ponies to Use When Teaching a Young Rider

Introduction to Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

Susan Deal, USHJA certified trainer and National Judge, utilizes a classical system of teaching that takes young riders from their fist lesson all the way through their first year of riding. In this video series Susan shares her strategies for developing good riders as well as good horsemen. She offers insightful techniques from the teacher’s perspective, covering all the riding milestones from the first lesson through jumping courses. This collection of videos is a compressive guideline with step-by-step instructions for teachers and students alike.

In this introduction to her video series, Susan shows us what type of horse/pony is best for teaching young students to ride. Susan finds it important to use a well-educated horse and one that has been trained in the forward system of riding. All ponies need to have quiet dispositions and not be easily spooked. Matching up the right horse and rider is key because properly mounted students can learn as much from the horse as they can from the trainer. Susan shows us some of the ponies she uses for the different stages of riding and also for the different body types of riders.

Running Time: 2 minutes and 42 seconds

10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 29 – Once a Week for Ten Months

Part 29 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

In the final installment of Susan Deal’s video series, we see the progress a student can make in about a year only riding once a week. The rider has established safe and effective communication with her mount while performing some basic flatwork and jumping small fences.

Running Time: 8 minutes and 18 seconds

10 week

When to Graduate from Jodhpurs to Tall Boots

In this free tidbit, Susan discusses the right time for young riders to go from a look we typically associate with ponies to the more sophisticated, older look of tall boots.

Running Time: 1 minute and 44 seconds

10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 28 – Riding on Soft Contact

Part 28 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

Susan works with her young student on transitioning from riding on a loose rein to riding on soft contact. The student is generally ready for this when they can move their hands independently from the body. These are the beginning stages of contact when the rider has acquired the tact and feel to have more effective communication with the horse’s mouth.

Running Time: 4 minutes and 29 seconds

10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 27 – Learning to Jump Part 6 – Jumping in the Field

Part 27 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

The students and their ponies move from the ring to the field to continue their jumping skills. Susan instructs them over a bending line of natural jumps, working to improve the riders’ position and release as they gain confidence over larger fences in an open setting.

Running Time: 2 minutes and 56 seconds

10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 26 – Learning to Jump Part 5 – Jumping a Line

Part 26 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

Before the young or beginning student can move on to course work, Susan Deal introduces her to jumping a line. The rider starts by trotting into the line and cantering out working up to cantering both elements. As the focus for the rider is straightness, Susan uses flower boxes and shrubs as guides at each end of the arena.

RunningTime: 5 minutes and 9 seconds

10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 25 – Learning to Jump Part 4 – Jumping in the Field

Part 25 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

This time Susan Deal introduces her young student and pony to jumps out in the field. The rider has progressed from jumping in an arena and is now ready to meet the challenges of natural jumps like logs and coops in an open field. Susan starts her rider and pony with trot jumps and moves on to cantering the obstacles, taking advantage of an upward slope in the terrain to slow the pony if needed.

RunningTime: 4 minutes and 1 second

Learning to Jump Three
10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 24 – Learning to Jump in the Ring 3

Part 24 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

At this stage in the young rider’s progress, she is comfortable jumping a one stride in and out. Susan then adds another element and the horse and rider gain confidence through a triple combination.  As before, the rider concentrates on position and straightness through the exercise with the use of guide rails. Ultimately, the rider goes through the triple without hands to better develop balance, weight distribution and spring.

Running Time: 6 minutes and 27 seconds

10 week

Forward Riding Series Part 23 – Learning to Jump in the Ring 2

Part 23 of Susan Deal’s “Forward Riding Series – Exercises for a Rider’s First Year”

After the rider is secure jumping one low jump, steering well before and after the obstacle, Susan introduces her student to an in and out. The jumps are initially set with an approach trot rail followed by a cross rail to a small vertical. At this point in the rider’s progress, her focus is on position and straightness with the aid of guide rails. Gradually the jumps increase in height, the vertical becomes an oxer, and the rider works to maintain her position over two jumps.

Running Time: 4 mintues and 40 seconds