Julie B. Winkel

  • bigheadmarketing
  • 23 Nov, 2011
  • 1 Min Read

Julie WinkleJulie Winkle

Jumpers • Hunters • Equitation

Julie Winkel has been a licensed Hunter, Equitation, Hunter Breeding and Jumper judge since 1984. She has officiated at prestigious events such as Devon, Harrisburg, Washington International, Capital Challenge, The Hampton Classic and Upperville Horse Shows.  She has designed the courses and judged the ASPCA Maclay Finals, The USEF Medal Finals and The New England Equitation Finals.

Julie has trained and shown hunters and jumpers to the top level, nationally as well as internationally. She was a winner of multiple Grand Prix competitions and many Hunter championships during her career.

Ms. Winkel sits on the Board Of Directors for USHJA is the Chair of the USHJA Judges Committee, serves as co-chair for Officials Committee for the USHJA, serves on National Hunter committee, is the co-chair of the Licensed Officials Committee for the USEF as well as Chair of Continuing Education. She serves on the Trainer Certification Program committee for the USHJA, the  Zone 10 Jumper Committee, as well as the Emerging Athlete Program committee, and Trainer Symposium committee.

Julie owns and operates Maplewood, Inc. in Reno, NV. which is a 150  acre training, sales and breeding facility, standing her two Grand Prix jumpers-Osilvis and Cartouche Z. She gives clinics and judges throughout the country and writes a monthly column  for PRACTICAL HORSEMAN’S “Conformation Clinic.”

For more information, visit her website:  www.mwstables.com


Julie’s Video Topics:

buffer zone
10 week

Ring Basics: Buffer Zone for Bipeds

If you’ve spent any time on the ground interacting with a horse, you come to respect the gross tonnage rule. They can very easily hurt us, and they do when unintended accidents happen. Consideration of spatial awareness by the mounted rider as well as by those on the ground within the horse’s proximity can prevent these mishaps.

10 week

Tack Basics: Performance & Protective Boots

Protecting your equine athlete‘s legs from a jump rail or hazards on the trail is vital for performance and longevity. Julie Winkel discusses appropriate boots for your horse’s job that will guard against impact and injury.

dog safety
10 week

Ring Basics: Horse and Hound

Whether you are at the barn or the show, dogs and horses come with the territory. They go together like peas and carrots, but when hound encounters hoof, it can be a recipe for disaster. Learn the strategies allowing your equine and canine friends to safely coexist in Julie Winkel‘s short topic.

horse treats
10 week

Ring Basics: Treat Me Right

Allocating horse treats can be a powerful training tool, particularly for more food-motivated horses. Offering a horse a cookie in the arena from the saddle makes sense when properly timed as a reward for positive behavior, but it can also prove to be a dangerous practice. Julie Winkel warns against the potential pitfalls of treating your horse to treats while mounted in this safety tip.

stall safety
10 week

Barn Basics: The Ins and Outs of Stall Safety

It would seem to be the very most basic aspect of horsemanship – retrieving and returning your mount to the stall, paddock, or pasture. Learn from Julie Winkel that, as with all horsemanship, the classical and fundamental basics won’t lead us astray.

spectator safety
10 week

Ring Basics: Allowing For Auditors

As spectators, we want to have a front-row seat ringside during any horse event, but viewers who get too close to the action may be in harm’s way.  Follow Julie Winkel’s safety guidelines to avoid serious accidents between horses and humans.

mucking out
10 week

Barn Basics: Mucking Like A Pro

Meet Maplewood’s barn manager, Antonio, as he demonstrates the most thorough, efficient, and economical way to muck out a stall. The daily chore of stall cleaning is also an excellent opportunity to assess your horse’s well-being. Julie Winkel discusses what to note about your horse’s health while getting your stall properly banked and bedded.

10 week

Martingales – Usage & Fitting with Julie Winkel

Martingales are a staple tack accessory utilized by many across multiple equine disciplines. Here is a topic to sharpen your knowledge about these handy devices. Julie Winkel outlines the appropriate use, in daily practice and in accordance with horse show rules, and proper adjustment of standing and running martingales.

10 week

The Nature of the Horse

We all know the basics –  a horse is  a hoofed herbivore that congregates in herds. But a better understanding of the design of the horse and how they have evolved to survive in nature can actually enrich our relationships with our own equine partners. In this topic Julie Winkel follows a band of wild horses in Reno, Nevada as they make their daily stop at a water source to enjoy some refreshment and exhibit their inherent horsiness.  Julie offers a wealth of knowledge that not only explains the advantages of horses’ acquired traits, but yields insight to a more cohesive horse/human bond.

Running time: 12 minutes and 46 seconds

IEA Webinar
10 week

From the Judge’s Perspective for the IEA

This is a unique, informative, fun, and interactive webinar with photos, videos, and insights for IEA riders.

Co-hosts Julie Winkel and Bernie Traurig are joined by Nancy Kohler-Cunningham, IEA President and USEF ‘r’ Judge, and Megan D. Taylor, also a ‘r’ Judge, who serves as moderator for this special event.

Running Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

Link to Video Referenced in this Webinar: Visualization Presented by Grand Prix veteran, Susie Hutchison & Mental Skills Coach, Tonya Johnston